Mondo Dall'Era

Mondo Dall'Era

24 lug 2020

Training qualified personnel in mechatronics together with Aib

Dall'Era Valerio participates in the implementation of the ITS training course for "Higher technicians for automation and industrial mechatronic systems"

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Training qualified personnel to enter the production process is a relevant issue. For a company like Dall'Era Valerio, which aims for excellence in brass production, employing a figure already professionally trained is fundamental. It represents an added value that has become decisive in the policy of hiring employees. Supplying nuts and other specific components to the world's leading multinationals in the refrigeration, faucet, valve, plumbing and gas sectors, Dall'Era Valerio has a production specification with very high standards. With this in mind, the company has long collaborated with the Associazione Industriale Bresciana (AIB), one of the oldest and most emblazoned trade associations in Italy, to train highly trained young technicians.

The training of qualified personnel through technical visits and internships in Dall'Era

In particular, we participate in the implementation stages of the ITS Lombardo training course, which through two years of training, guarantees the title of "Higher technicians for automation and industrial mechatronic systems." The mechatronics technician is a professional figure with qualifications suitable for working in a production context with high-level automation and quality logics.

In particular, the school project aims to train specialists who are able to make, integrate, control, and program machines and automatic systems intended for a wide variety of processes and sectors in the industrial sphere. It uses interface devices between controlled machines and the equipment that controls them, on which it intervenes for programming, testing and commissioning, documenting the solutions developed.

Also must learn and operate command, control, and regulation systems. He collaborates with the technological structures in charge of the design, production, and maintenance of the devices on which he intervenes. Last but not least, he must understand and know how to manage regulatory and safety processes. Our company has therefore made itself available for internships and technical visits for students.

Dall'Era Valerio is an integrated part of a province with a high industrial rate

ITS programs characterize specialized vocational training in a province like Brescia where the industrial fabric is particularly developed. In fact, Brescia is the leading industrial province in Europe in terms of number of employees and added value. A production system known throughout the world for excellent workmanship in the most important manufacturing sectors. Productions with a high international export rate, to Germany and the United States first of all, but also to Asia, South America and the other most dynamic areas of the world. In fact, Dall'Era Valerio also exports to 31 countries, in the wake of a production quality of excellence that is in demand everywhere.
