Mondo Dall'Era

Mondo Dall'Era

20 dic 2018

Positive outcome of Dall'Era Valerio in the surveillance visit of ISO 9001:2015 quality and ISO 14001:2015 environmental certifications

Continuous improvement of the brass nut and component manufacturing process is an indispensable element for exporting to the world

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Positive outcome of Dall'Era Valerio in the surveillance visit of ISO 9001:2015 quality and ISO 14001:2015 environmental certification

In recent years, advances in production organization and process improvement at Dall'Era have become an integral part of long-term strategic goals. The focus is on the growth of the entire organizational structure of a company that faces 2019 with a daily production of more than 1.3 million pieces including nuts and other brass components. The proper provision of services, from the order to the customization of the required nut accomplished by our technical department, from production to warehouse logistics, up to delivery, must be considered an indispensable element for customer satisfaction: leading multinational realities served by Dall'Era Valerio in the refrigeration, sanitary and heating sectors, located in the five Continents.


With a view to becoming Italy's leading manufacturer of brass nuts, the Sabbio Chiese-based company considers it essential to comply with the regulations of leading certifying bodies. In November, the annual audit by certifier KIWA for ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 quality certifications was held, attesting to full suitability in the production and organizational cycle of the brass nut. For several years, Dall'Era Valerio has been judged eligible, receiving positive results for 2018-2019 as well. The quality and environmental certifications are a periodic and continuous stimulus for raising the targets of the services provided, the approach to the job order, the refinement of the customized product with the goal of minimum error tolerances.

What makes the production of Dall'Era Valerio brass nuts and components unique?

The extreme care taken in each step of the production cycle. Compliance with international quality standards is one of the main objectives in fortifying the relationship of trust that binds the company to its demanding international clientele.

In fact, the ISO 9001:2015 standard is the best known and most widely used quality management system in the world. A methodological and instrumental support that helps the company to spread around the world a customized production of brass nuts for gas connections, lock nuts, screws, plugs, tees, bends and water connections, brass bodies such as angle valves and valves, heating tails and gasket tails, just to name the main products.
