Mondo Dall'Era

Mondo Dall'Era

16 dic 2022

Monitoring of industrial activities

The focus is on strengthening the systemic management of business processes

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The focus is on strengthening the systemic management of business processes

The company has always paid particular attention to the monitoring of its industrial activity and processes involving all departments and the health of the people involved. Through the certifications we have obtained over the years, we want to obtain a highly professional external evaluation that can confirm the path of improvement. The intention is to go beyond the imposition of legal obligations, to affirm instead a lasting entrepreneurial policy of improvement. The creation, application and maintenance of an overall management system complying with specific reference standards valid at international level, allows us to align perfectly with the requirements of multinational companies in the sector.


Our certifications

Recently the company has been subjected to a surveillance process, passing it and obtaining full approval. This is added to the Certifications of various nature that we have long since. Among these, the Certification of Environmental Management Systems according to ISO 14001. This certification helps to identify and monitor the environmental impacts that an organization produces and to plan its improvement. Among the main objectives that Dall'Era Valerio wants to achieve, we find in fact the correct management of the relationship between the organization and the environment. We are convinced that by improving our processes and environmental performance, we not only help not to damage the territory, but we can strengthen the overall benefits for everyone. These purposes are consistent with the expectations of our international customers.

Pianificazione, azione e controllo

The surveillance process and certification are recognized tools for objectivity in recognizing the business requirements of the most modern organizations. We are not limited to a more or less active control, but we have established a methodological path of planning, action and control. We have implemented a framework of rules that complements and surpasses the good practices widespread in all modern companies. Among the main actions we find the correct management in the prevention of damage, the reduction of consumption, the correct management of waste to affect the environment as little as possible. Let’s see in more detail the benefits we apply to our production process of brass components and fittings.

The benefits we want to achieve through proper process monitoring

Certifications help us pursue business goals. They represent an incentive in the implementation of environmental policies, which rewards the systemic management of processes. The company establishes a series of activities that meet current regulatory compliance and environmental management effectively and efficiently. In addition, they allow our company to focus and plan optimization interventions through the monitoring of environmental results in the area.

Last but not least, they represent an indirect advantage for our customers. In fact, certifications are a reasonable guarantee that the order will not be interrupted by any legal measures. The supply chain does not break and maintains the correct efficiency.